The Platô Azul Farm’s Project has been started in the decade of the 90’s, in Cerrado Mineiro, in a property with a suitable regime of rains, absence of frost and with latitude and longitude appropriated to cultivation of coffee.
Today Platô Azul Farm has 953 hectares planted coffee, being 240 hectares drips irrigated, and the forecast to 2019, is to apply this same system of irrigation to the others 713 hectares.
The Platô Azul Farm promotes, in more than 2.000 hectares, the preservation of cerrado and the sustainable handling of natural resources.
With the confirmation of the sustainable handling, the Platô Azul Farm received in 2008 the certificate of sustainability of Rain Forest Alliance and certificate UTZ in 2017, with environment license to the action to produce coffee and bestowals regulated to the irrigation.
A huge worry is the tank water loss minimization by evaporation. Worth to register that is 19.950 m² of superficial area of reservoir. Soon, if there is an evaporation of a daily average water depth of 4 mm, something close to 29 million liters of water are lost annually. Obviously, the surface of reservoir also has been accounted like collection area of rainwater, which would offset (19.950 m² x 1,500 mm rainfall), exactly evaporation losses. Anyway, strategies are being investigated to reduce the evaporation of water from the reservoir, for example, the addition of substances to "proof" the mirror the water. This substance function as the cuticle (highly hydrophobic wax layer) deposited on the coffee leaf, which greatly hampers evaporation of water from the leaf.
The Platô Azul Farm employ 150 people in harvest season and has like basic principle a social policy, that attached the well-being of these workers and respect with their families and communities to which they belong. For recycling of its employees, has courses and lectures given by professionals accredited in official institutions, allowing employees access the information and training necessary for safe and responsible operation. In addition, the Blue Plateau offers benefits in health and supports social projects that ensure quality of life and satisfaction of workers in performing their respective tasks.